You are probably startled by the wonders done by programmers.
Not to mention, we are in an era where technology is rapidly evolving and every new innovation and invention is backed by programs and codes.
How do these guys get to create these sophisticated products.
Are they have the same exact intellectual traits as everyother human or is their brain somewhat different?, maybe bigger or well structured?
Here’s is a quick answer:
Yes – as a result of consistent coding, we can say a programmer’s brain is much more enhanced to perform complex functions like rapid memorization and retention making it different from that of a regular human.
Engaging in brain-stimulating activities like programming largely increases one’s creativity and logical thinking.
In this article, we’ll analyze this statement, validate it with standard research and I’ll answer a few more questions currently dangling in your mind.
Without further ado, let’s get started.
Notable Programmers Brain Study Research
Research from the Nara Institute of Science and Technology shows that programmers are highly proficient in behavioral and attention skills compared to those non-programmers.
Programmers can attend to a task for much longer while maintaining focus and concentration even with the presence of subtle distractions.
The researchers observed the brain activity of a group of programmers while reading code snippets and the result shows that reading codes strengthened the amount of information from the brain language center.
Another notable brain study was conducted in 2014 by Dr. Jane Siegmund.
Here, an fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) machine was used to observe the brain activity of 17 different participants as they tried to work through and comprehend short code snippets which were contrasted with locating syntax errors.
The participants were computer science and mathematics students all with an undergraduate level of programming experience and an undergraduate level of Java experience.
All participants had a normal or corrected-to-normal vision and it was assumed that they all were able to understand the algorithms within the given time frame.
To reference an identified brain location, Brodmann areas (BA) have proven useful as a classification system. There are 52 Brodmann areas each associated with cognitive processes.
The experiment revealed a clear, distinct activation pattern of 5 clustered Broadmann areas of the brain region relating to working memory, attention and language processing – which fits well with our understanding of program comprehension.
5 activated brain regions under fMRI
The 5 Activated Brain Regions
- BA 6: Middle frontal gyrus associated with (Attention, language, working memory)
- BA 21: [Middle temporal gyrus] associated with Semantic memory retrieval.
- BA 40: [Inferior parietal lobule] associated with the working memory.
- BA 44: [Inferior frontal gyrus] also associated with working memory.
- BA 47: [Inferior frontal gyrus] associated with language and working memory.
How Programmer’s Brain Analysis Code in 3 Discrete Steps
Visualization of how program comprehension might take place in a programmer’s brain across the 5 activated brain regions.
#1 – BA 6 and BA 40 keeps the values of the code snippets in mind.
#2 – BA 21 analze the words and symbols.
#3 – BA 47, BA 44 and BA 21 Integrated the code to statements and bit chunk sizes which are then stored on the brain.
However this research faced some threats to validity as Dr. Jane Seigmund and her colleagues stated that the way they interpreted their study results is open for reviews, adding that they might have missed important processes.
Nevertheless, she opined that the activation pattern discovered are related to our current understanding of program comprehension.
Few takeaways
– The most active part of the programmer’s brain when reading codes is the brain’s language center and working memory.
– The areas of the brain associated with math and logic are not activated during program comprehension.
Really surprising because people often think that comprehending code samples involves a lot of neurological mathematical processing and brain logic.
If you believe so before now, then you might also consider checking our supporting article: Do Programmers Need Math? … you’ll be wowed as well.
– However, when discussing code, the most active part of the brain are those associated with math and logic.
– Participating in intellectually engaging activities serves to buffer individuals against [cognitive] decline.
This means coding and other brain-stimulating activities like puzzles, playing music and chess game can help reduce the risk or delay the onset of Alzheimer – a type of dementia that affects memory, thinking, and behavior.
Do Programmers think differently?
Coding makes you see things on a different plane and as a result, programmers think differently from the norms.
However, this doesn’t necessarily imply programmers are more smarter and resourceful than other fields as every profession is unique in its own way.
Does Programming change your brain?
Programming don’t change your brain but it certainly improves your analytical and logical thinking, sharpens your creativity and shapes your mental model.
And with consistency, you’ll notice a gradual improvement in your memorization pattern and understanding of complex codebase.
Are Programmers Good at Chess? – Bitter Truth
Do Programmers get dementia?
Anyone can get Dementia regardless of their profession.
However, studies have proven that intellectual engaging activities like coding and playing chess, both often engaged in by programmers are known to prevent and help reduce the onset of Dementia. Hence programmers have a low risk of getting dementia.
Is Programming left or right brain?
Programming comprehension involves a complex language processing process.
Using fMRI scan on 17 programmers in a controlled experiment, scientists have discovered that this language processing process takes place in the left hemisphere of the brain dedicated to logical and analytical reasoning.
How big is the brain in GB?
According to a 2010 article in Scientific American, the memory capacity of an average human brain is 2.5 petabytes, that’s 2.5 million gigabytes.
For context, Yahoo; data warehouse is roughly 2 petabytes (2 petabytes).
It’s the world’s largest and busiest database and it processes 24 billion events a day.
Our brain is a marvel with more unlocking capabilities and it’s shocking that it can process more information than the Yahoo database.
Programmer’s brain and Musician brain, how are they similar?
The programmer’s brain and musician’s brain share a common similarity.
It will interest you to know that musicians have the same working memory capacity as programmers.
Scientists studied musicians’ brains using the same fMRI and they observed that playing musical instruments activates both the right hemisphere and left hemisphere of the brain.
A similar result to the study conducted on programmers.
Does this imply musicians will face little or no brain challenge or duress if they wish to switch careers to programming?
Well. You, be the judge.
Final thoughts
The human brain is the most complex body organ with around 86 billion neurons all of which are in use.
Just like the body muscles, the brain contains tissues and certain activities are known to help strengthen the brain.
Programming helps improve the brain’s learning capacity but everyone doesn’t mean you should switch careers in an attempt to improve your logical and analytical thinking.
There are a lot of fun activities across different sphere that also improves one memorization and creativity.
As every individual is created differently so is your brain different and unique in its own way.
And it’s a wrap!