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300+ Beauty & Skin Care Blog Niche Ideas to Consider

Beauty Blog Niche Ideas

Are you considering starting a beauty and skincare blog, but don’t know what niche to take?

Well, you’re in luck because I’ve put together the ultimate list of beauty and skincare niche ideas for all beauty bloggers.

This list contains 10 top beauty and skincare blog niches and each of which has 36 micro niches.

This sums up to 360 beauty and skincare blog niches and micro niches and is a good starting point for beauty bloggers searching for niche ideas.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

 1. Skincare Niche

Micro Niche Ideas for Skincare Blog

NoSkin Care Blog Micro NichesNoSkin Care Blog Micro Niches
1Acne Treatment19Skincare for Dry Skin
2Anti-Aging Skincare20Skincare for Oily Skin
3At-Home Facial Treatments21Skincare for Sensitive Skin
4Blackhead Removal22Skincare for Combination Skin
5Body Care23Skincare Ingredients
6Chemical Peels24Skincare Routines
7Cleansers and Toners25Skincare for Men
8DIY Skincare Recipes26Skincare for Women
9Dark Circles and Puffiness27Skincare for Teens
10Eczema Treatment28Skincare for Mature Skin
11Exfoliation29Skincare for Ethnic Skin
12Face Masks30Skincare Product Reviews
13Face Oils31Skincare Tools
14Facial Serums32Skin Brightening
15Green and Clean Skincare33Skin Hydration
16Hand and Foot Care34Skin Nutrition
17Hyperpigmentation35Skin Protection
18Korean Skincare36Skincare Myths and Facts

2. Makeup Niche

Beauty and Makeup Blog niche ideas

Micro Niche Ideas for Makeup Blog

NoMakeup Blog Micro NichesNoMakeup Blog Micro Niches
1Makeup Tutorials19Celebrity Makeup Looks
2Product Reviews20Makeup for Different Skin Tones
3Makeup Tools and Brushes21Makeup Storage and Organization
4Makeup for Different Eye Shapes22Makeup Removal
5Lipstick Guides23Makeup Hygiene
6Eyeliner Techniques24Makeup for Different Occasions
7Eyeshadow Application25Makeup for Mature Skin
8Contouring and Highlighting26Makeup for Acne-Prone Skin
9Blush Application27Makeup for Sensitive Skin
10Mascara Tips28Makeup Ingredients and Safety
11Makeup for Different Face Shapes29DIY Makeup
12Brow Shaping and Maintenance30Makeup for Beginners
13Makeup for Different Skin Types31Makeup Hacks and Tips
14Foundation Matching32Makeup Trends
15Concealer Techniques33Makeup for Glasses Wearers
16Makeup Setting34Makeup for Men
17Cruelty-Free and Vegan Makeup35Makeup Dupes
18Drugstore Makeup36Makeup for Different Climates

3. Haircare Niche

Haircare niche blog ideas

Micro Niche Ideas for Haircare Blog

NoHair Care Blog Micro NichesNoHair Care Blog Micro Niches
1Hair Growth Tips19Haircuts for Different Face Shapes
2Hair Loss Prevention20Hairstyles for Different Occasions
3Scalp Care21DIY Hair Treatments
4Hair Coloring22Hair Extensions and Wigs
5Hair Textures and Types23Hair Accessories
6Shampoos and Conditioners24Hair Tools
7Hair Masks and Treatments25Hair Styling Products
8Curly Hair Care26Hair Care for Men
9Natural Hair Care27Hair Care for Children
10Hair Straightening28Hair Care for Swimmers
11Hair Care for Different Climates29Hair Care for Gym-Goers
12Braids and Protective Styles30Hair Care Myths and Facts
13Hair Detox31Hair Care for Aging Hair
14Hair Care for Travelers32Hair Care for Colored Hair
15Hair Care Product Reviews33Hair Care for Chemically Treated Hair
16Hair Care Routines34Celebrity Hair Inspiration
17Heat Styling Safety35Hair Care for Different Hair Lengths
18Hair Care Ingredients36Hair Care for Dandruff

4. Nail Care Niche

Nail care beauty blog niche idea

Micro Niche Ideas for Nail Care Blog

No.Nail Care Blog Micro NichesNo.Nail Care Blog Micro Niches
1Nail Art Tutorials19Nail Care for Men
2Nail Polish Reviews20Nail Care for Different Ages
3Nail Shapes and Lengths21Nail Care for Different Climates
4DIY Manicures22Nail Care for Swimmers
5Nail Care Tools23Nail Care for Gym-Goers
6Nail Care Routines24Nail Care for Travelers
7Nail Strengthening25Nail Care for Brides
8Cuticle Care26Nail Care for Pregnant Women
9Nail Growth Tips27Nail Care for Busy Professionals
10Nail Care for Different Nail Types28Nail Care for Different Skin Tones
11Nail Care for Sensitive Skin29Nail Care for Health Conditions
12Nail Care for Acrylic Nails30Nail Care for Aging Hands
13Nail Care for Gel Nails31Nail Care for Nail Biters
14Nail Care for Different Occasions32Nail Care Myths and Facts
15Nail Care Ingredients33Nail Care Tips and Tricks
16Nail Care Product Reviews34Nail Care for Children
17Nail Care for Athletes35Nail Care for Nail Salon Workers
18Nail Care for Musicians36Cruelty-Free and Vegan Nail Care

5. Fragrance Niche

Skincare niche blog ideas

Micro Niche Ideas for Fragrance Blog

NoFragrance Blog Micro NichesNoFragrance Blog Micro Niches
1Fragrance Reviews19Seasonal Fragrances
2Perfume Layering20Fragrance for Different Occasions
3Fragrance Notes and Ingredients21Fragrance for Different Climates
4DIY Perfume22Fragrance for Travelers
5Fragrance Storage and Care23Fragrance for Athletes
6Fragrance for Men24Fragrance for Different Ages
7Fragrance for Women25Fragrance for Pregnant Women
8Fragrance for Children26Fragrance for Sensitive Skin
9Fragrance for Different Moods27Fragrance for Different Skin Tones
10Fragrance for Work28Fragrance for Health Conditions
11Fragrance for Home29Fragrance for Different Cultures
12Fragrance for Pets30Fragrance Gift Guides
13Celebrity Fragrances31Fragrance Subscription Services
14Niche Fragrances32Fragrance Myths and Facts
15Designer Fragrances33Fragrance History
16Budget Fragrances34Fragrance Collecting
17Cruelty-Free and Vegan Fragrances35Fragrance Trends
18Fragrance Dupes36Fragrance Shopping Tips

6. Organic and Natural Beauty Niche

Organic Natural Beauty Blog niche ideas

Micro Niche Ideas for Organic & Natural Beauty Blog

No.Organic Beauty Blog Micro NichesNo.Organic Beauty Blog Micro Niches
1Organic Skincare19Organic Makeup
2Natural Hair Care20Organic Nail Care
3DIY Organic Beauty Recipes21Organic Fragrances
4Green Beauty Brands22Organic Beauty Product Reviews
5Organic Beauty Ingredients23Organic Beauty Routines
6Organic Beauty Certification24Organic Beauty for Different Ages
7Organic Beauty for Different Skin Types25Organic Beauty for Different Climates
8Organic Beauty for Sensitive Skin26Organic Beauty for Pregnant Women
9Organic Beauty for Acne-Prone Skin27Organic Beauty for Health Conditions
10Organic Beauty for Men28Organic Beauty for Athletes
11Organic Beauty for Children29Organic Beauty for Travelers
12Organic Beauty for Different Cultures30Organic Beauty for Different Occasions
13Organic Beauty for Different Hair Types31Organic Beauty for Different Skin Tones
14Organic Beauty for Mature Skin32Organic Beauty for Nail Salon Workers
15Organic Beauty Myths and Facts33Organic Beauty for Musicians
16Organic Beauty Subscription Services34Organic Beauty Tips and Tricks
17Organic Beauty for Different Hair Lengths35Organic Beauty Trends
18Organic Beauty for Different Eye Shapes36Organic Beauty Shopping Tips

7. Beauty for Different Ages Niche

Beauty blogging niche ideas

Micro Niche Ideas for “Beauty for Different Ages” Blog

NoAge-Specific Beauty Micro NichesNoAge-Specific Beauty Micro Niches
1Beauty for Teens19Beauty for 20s
2Beauty for 30s20Beauty for 40s
3Beauty for 50s21Beauty for 60s
4Beauty for 70s and Beyond22Skincare for Different Ages
5Makeup for Different Ages23Hair Care for Different Ages
6Nail Care for Different Ages24Fragrance for Different Ages
7Organic Beauty for Different Ages25Beauty Routines for Different Ages
8Anti-Aging Strategies26Age-Specific Beauty Tips
9Age-Specific Skincare Concerns27Age-Specific Makeup Techniques
10Age-Specific Hair Care Concerns28Age-Specific Nail Care Concerns
11Age-Specific Fragrance Preferences29Age-Specific Beauty Products
12Age-Specific Beauty Brands30Age-Specific Beauty Trends
13Age-Specific Beauty Challenges31Beauty for Aging Skin
14Beauty for Mature Hair32Beauty for Menopause
15Beauty for New Mothers33Beauty for Busy Professionals
16Beauty for Retirees34Beauty for College Students
17Beauty for Grandparents35Age-Specific Beauty Myths and Facts
18Beauty for Empty Nesters36Age-Specific Beauty Shopping Tips

8. DIY Beauty Niche

Skincare Niche Blog ideas

Micro Niche Ideas for DIY Beauty Blog

No.DIY Beauty Micro NichesNo.DIY Beauty Micro Niches
1DIY Skincare Recipes19DIY Makeup Recipes
2DIY Hair Care Recipes20DIY Nail Care Recipes
3DIY Fragrances21DIY Organic Beauty Recipes
4DIY Beauty Tools22DIY Beauty Storage Solutions
5DIY Beauty for Different Ages23DIY Beauty for Different Skin Types
6DIY Beauty for Different Hair Types24DIY Beauty for Different Climates
7DIY Beauty for Sensitive Skin25DIY Beauty for Acne-Prone Skin
8DIY Beauty Product Dupes26DIY Beauty for Children
9DIY Beauty for Pregnant Women27DIY Beauty for Health Conditions
10DIY Beauty for Athletes28DIY Beauty for Travelers
11DIY Beauty for Different Cultures29DIY Beauty for Different Occasions
12DIY Beauty for Different Eye Shapes30DIY Beauty for Different Hair Lengths
13DIY Beauty for Different Nail Types31DIY Beauty for Nail Salon Workers
14DIY Beauty for Musicians32DIY Beauty for Busy Professionals
15DIY Beauty Myths and Facts33DIY Beauty Tips and Tricks
16DIY Beauty Ingredients34DIY Beauty Trends
17DIY Beauty for Men35DIY Beauty for Different Skin Tones
18DIY Beauty Gift Ideas36DIY Beauty Packaging Ideas

9. Beauty and Fashion Niche

Beauty fashion niche blogging ideas

Micro Niche Ideas for Beauty & Fashion Blog

No.Beauty and Fashion Micro NichesNo.Beauty and Fashion Micro Niches
1Makeup and Outfit Pairings19Beauty and Fashion for Different Ages
2Beauty and Fashion for Different Occasions20Beauty and Fashion for Different Climates
3Beauty and Fashion for Different Body Types21Beauty and Fashion for Different Cultures
4Beauty and Fashion for Men22Beauty and Fashion for Pregnant Women
5Beauty and Fashion for Children23Beauty and Fashion for Health Conditions
6Beauty and Fashion for Travelers24Beauty and Fashion for Athletes
7Beauty and Fashion for Work25Beauty and Fashion for College Students
8Beauty and Fashion for Busy Professionals26Beauty and Fashion for Different Hair Types
9Beauty and Fashion for Different Skin Tones27Beauty and Fashion for Different Eye Shapes
10Beauty and Fashion for Sensitive Skin28Beauty and Fashion for Different Hair Lengths
11Beauty and Fashion for Acne-Prone Skin29Beauty and Fashion for Nail Salon Workers
12Beauty and Fashion Trends30Beauty and Fashion for Musicians
13Beauty and Fashion for Empty Nesters31Beauty and Fashion Myths and Facts
14Beauty and Fashion Shopping Tips32Beauty and Fashion Subscription Services
15Beauty and Fashion Product Reviews33Beauty and Fashion for Different Eye Colors
16Beauty and Fashion Brands34Beauty and Fashion for Different Nail Types
17Beauty and Fashion for Retirees35Beauty and Fashion for Grandparents
18Beauty and Fashion Tips and Tricks36Beauty and Fashion for New Mothers

 10. Multicultural Beauty Niche

Skincare and Beauty Niche Blog Ideas

Micro Niche Ideas for Multicultural Beauty Blog

NoMulticultural Beauty Micro NichesNoMulticultural Beauty Micro Niches
1African Beauty19Asian Beauty
2Latinx Beauty20Middle Eastern Beauty
3European Beauty21Indigenous Beauty
4Beauty for Different Skin Tones22Beauty for Different Hair Types
5Beauty for Different Eye Shapes23Beauty for Different Nail Types
6Multicultural Makeup Techniques24Multicultural Skincare Routines
7Multicultural Hair Care Routines25Multicultural Nail Care Routines
8Multicultural Beauty Brands26Multicultural Beauty Product Reviews
9Multicultural Beauty Trends27Multicultural Beauty History
10Multicultural Beauty for Men28Multicultural Beauty for Children
11Multicultural Beauty for Different Ages29Multicultural Beauty for Different Climates
12Multicultural Beauty for Sensitive Skin30Multicultural Beauty for Acne-Prone Skin
13Multicultural Beauty for Pregnant Women31Multicultural Beauty for Health Conditions
14Multicultural Beauty for Athletes32Multicultural Beauty for Travelers
15Multicultural Beauty for Different Occasions33Multicultural Beauty for Different Cultures
16Multicultural Beauty Myths and Facts34Multicultural Beauty Tips and Tricks
17Multicultural Beauty Subscription Services35Multicultural Beauty for Different Hair Lengths
18Multicultural Beauty Shopping Tips36Multicultural Beauty for Nail Salon Workers

Expert Beauty Blogging Insights

If you haven’t gotten a domain name yet, then try not to choose a name that’ll limit you to just one micro beauty blog niche, rather choose a name that can accommodate similar beauty micro niches just in case you wish to expand over time.

I’ve created a helpful guide on my how to start a profitable blog that earns $10k+ per month, it covers everything you need to know and all major steps required to create a blog.
See it here:

How to Start a Profitable Blog: A Detailed Step-By-Step Guide

Till we meet again on another article,

Do have a nice day.


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