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13 Traits of Every Successful Frontend Developer

Successful front-end developer traits

Frontend developers are specialized web developers that program or develop the client-side of websites and web applications.

In this article, I will be sharing the 13 traits of every successful front-end developer.

And if you are just getting started in your front-end web development journey or you are intentional about your coding growth, then you’ll this article useful.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

1. Master the basics of frontend development

As a front-end developer, it is essential for you to have a great depth of knowledge of the basic front-end development languages: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

2. Knowledge of Design Tools

Successful frontend developers, do have knowledge of design tools like Figma and Adobe XD.

This knowledge helps you build a prototype of the application.

Incase there is no UI/UX designer, you can build the wireframes or prototype on your own.

3.CSS Preprocessors

Frontend developers use preprocessors to speed up their coding. Basically, CSS preprocessors allow developers to process their code before publishing.

Some commonly used CSS preprocessors are  SASS, LESS, or Stylus which make the life of frontend developers easier.

4. Knowledge of Frameworks

This includes both CSS frameworks and Javascript frameworks.

Some common CSS Frameworks include:

The 3 most used Javascript frameworks

5. Build Responsive Designs

Web development is an important area where responsive designs play a great role.

A front-end developer should know how to deal with responsiveness.

Understanding the principles of responsive design and the ways to implement them in your code is essential today.

6. They Strive to Learn

A front-end developer should be eager to learn new technologies and tools to enhance front-end development skills.

Technology is evolving faster and to match up with these trends a developer should strive harder to learn and practice these new skills.

7. They are flexible and adaptable

One of the traits of a frontend developer is to be flexible and easily adapt the new technologies into their work.

The more you are flexible and comfortable with frontend development languages and frameworks the better result you will get.

That is why front-end developers are always learning.

They keep their skills sustainable by studying and mastering new tools to produce the best results. 

8. Critical Thinker

As a front-end developer, you should involve critical thinking to solve problems.

It is very essential to think out of the box.

Several times there are errors that are hard to resolve or implementation of some is difficult.

At this point, your critical thinking and focus will help in figuring out the most reliable solution.

Frontend Developer Skills

9. Creative

Creativity is a soft skill that is much needed in a front-end developer. This is because a front-end developer is responsible for developing the user interface.

Frontend developers need to be creative to solve user interface problems and provide a good user experience.

10. TeamWork

Although you are a good frontend developer you should also have some other skills which are teamwork skills.

If you are a freelance developer still you have to coordinate with your clients or sometimes with fellow freelancers so it is important to have knowledge or experience of teamwork.

11. Detail Oriented

For a frontend developer, even the smallest detail matters as the one is dealing with the front end of the application.

They should keenly debug all the broken links and broken images to deliver an errorless and effective user experience.

12. Clever Coding

Whenever you code, one should keep in mind the decorum of coding which is proper indentation, writing comments and useful variable names. 

This portrays how professional you are and if there are any changes to make they can be easily made as everything is well structured.

13. Communication Skills

Being a frontend developer you should have some really good communication skills as you are a middle person.

A frontend developer has to communicate with the UI/UX designer, backend development and the user.

Having high social skills is a necessity in frontend developer skills.

Frontend Developers Qualities

Final Thoughts on Traits of Every Successful Front-end Developer

This is a summarized list of the traits that a frontend developer should possess. Thankfully to our readers here at Website Hurdles, we’ve surveyed and listed down the 13 traits of every successful frontend developer.

If you are pursuing or starting a career as a frontend developer do consider these points.

It’s a wrap!

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Till we meet again on another article,

Happy Coding!


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