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7 Best YouTube Channels to Learn Mobile App Development

List of Best Youtube channels for learning Mobile App development

Mobile app development is a dynamic and in-demand field, and YouTube serves as an excellent platform for learning the necessary skills. 

Whether you’re interested in native app development for Android or iOS, or cross-platform development, there are YouTube channels offering in-depth tutorials and valuable insights. 

In this article, we will explore seven top YouTube channels that cover both native app development and cross-platform development, providing a comprehensive resource for aspiring mobile app developers.

Without further ado, let’s get started.


1. CodeWithChris

List of Best iOS App Youtube Channels

CodeWithChris is a popular YouTube channel that focuses on iOS app development. Chris, the host, provides step-by-step tutorials covering Swift, the primary programming language for iOS development. 

In general, he teaches you how to make an app with Swift, SwiftUI and Xcode to turn all your app ideas into reality.

His engaging teaching style and attention to detail make it easier to grasp complex concepts, and his tutorials cover a wide range of topics, from beginner to advanced levels.

Chris has over 7 years of online teaching experience and his channel is one of the largest dedicated iOS tutorial channels on Youtube.

Subscribers: 550k+ 

Uploads: 550+ videos 

Channel views: 40M+

2. Philipp Lackner

List of Best Android App Youtube Channels

Philipp Lackner’s YouTube channel offers a wealth of resources for Android app development. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, Philipp’s tutorials cover various aspects of Android development using Kotlin, the modern programming language preferred by Android developers. 

I personally discovered Philipp Lackner while learning the basics of Kotlin and have since added his channel to my developer resources.

Subscribers: 115k+ 

Uploads: 650+ videos 

Channel views: 14M+


3. Dbestech

List of Best Mobile App Youtube Channels

Dbestech is a YouTube channel that focuses on cross-platform app development using frameworks like React Native and Flutter. 

The tutorials provide insights into building mobile apps that can run on both Android and iOS platforms. 

Dbestech’s practical examples and clear explanations make it an excellent resource for learning cross-platform development.

Subscribers: 85k+ 

Uploads: 500+ videos 

Channel views: 7M+

Other Helpful Mobile App Development Youtube Tutorials from Dbestech

Flutter E-commerce App Playlist: YouTube Tutorial

Flutter Rivepod State Management Playlist: YouTube Tutorial


FreecodeCamp- List of Best Web Design and Web Development Youtube Channels

FreeCodeCamp is a well-known YouTube channel that covers a wide range of programming topics, including mobile app development. 

Their tutorials on cross-platform frameworks like React Native and Flutter offer a solid foundation for building mobile apps that work seamlessly on multiple platforms. 

The channel’s extensive community and wealth of resources make it a valuable asset for mobile app developers.

Subscribers: 7.9 Million+

Uploads: 1,400+ Videos

Channel views: 553 Million+ views

Other Helpful Youtube Mobile App Development Tutorials from FreeCodeCamp

Android Development for Beginners (11 Hours Full Course) – Youtube Tutorial

Flutter Course for Beginners (37 Hours Cross App Development) – Youtube Tutorial

React Native Course – Android & iOS app Development – Youtube Tutorial

5. Lets Build That App

List of Best Mobile App Youtube Channels

Lets Build That App is a YouTube channel that provides insightful tutorials on iOS app development using various frameworks and technologies. 

The channel covers topics such as Swift, SwiftUI, and Combine framework. 

I discovered Lets Build That App while exploring iOS development, and the channel has been an invaluable resource in expanding my knowledge and skills.

Subscribers: 200k+ 

Uploads: 440+ videos 

Channel views: 14M+

6. The Net Ninja

List of Best Mobile App Youtube Channels

The Net Ninja is a versatile YouTube channel covering web and mobile app development, including Android and iOS. 

Their tutorials provide comprehensive guidance on Android app development using Java and Kotlin, as well as iOS app development with Swift. 

The Net Ninja’s well-structured playlists and detailed explanations make it a valuable resource for mobile app development.

Subscribers: 1M+

Uploads: 2,000+ videos

Channel views: 147M+ views

Other Helpful Youtube Mobile App Development Tutorials from The Net Ninja

Flutter & Firebase App Build Playlist – Youtube Tutorial

React Native Tutorial Playlist for Beginners – Youtube Tutorial

7. Fireship

List of Best Mobile App Youtube Channels

Fireship specializes in delivering concise and informative tutorials on web and mobile development topics, including cross-platform frameworks like React Native and Flutter. 

Their YouTube channel offers practical tutorials that focus on efficiency and clear explanations, making it easier to learn cross-platform development.

Subscribers: 2 Million+ 

Uploads: 560+ videos

Channel views: 280M+ 

Some Frequently Asked Questions in our Community (Hurdler’s Tribe)

– How can I learn iOS development fast? 

To learn iOS development quickly, it is recommended to start with Swift, the primary programming language for iOS app development, and familiarize yourself with the iOS development ecosystem. 

Utilize online resources such as tutorials, documentation, and coding exercises to practice and reinforce your knowledge.

– Is iOS app development harder than Android? 

The difficulty level of iOS app development compared to Android largely depends on individual preferences and prior experience. 

While iOS development has a strict ecosystem and design guidelines, Android development offers more device diversity. Both platforms have their learning curves, but with dedication and practice, proficiency can be achieved in either.

– What language is used for iOS app development? 

Swift is the main programming language used for iOS app development. Introduced by Apple, Swift offers a modern, concise, and easy-to-read syntax, making it a popular choice among iOS developers. 

Objective-C, an older language, is still supported but less commonly used.

– Can I learn Android development from YouTube? 

Yes, YouTube can be a valuable resource for learning Android development.

There are numerous YouTube channels dedicated to Android development that offer tutorials, coding exercises, and insights into various aspects of Android app development. 

These channels can help you gain the necessary knowledge and skills to become an Android developer.

– How do I become a self-taught iOS developer? 

To become a self-taught iOS developer, start by learning Swift, the programming language for iOS development, and familiarize yourself with iOS app development frameworks, tools, and design patterns. 

Utilize online tutorials, documentation, and practice-building projects to enhance your skills. Joining developer communities and seeking feedback on your work can also aid in your learning journey.

– What skills are needed for a mobile app developer? 

Mobile app developers should possess a strong foundation in programming languages such as Swift or Kotlin, depending on the platform. 

Additionally, knowledge of app development frameworks, UI/UX design principles, database management, version control, and problem-solving skills are essential. 

Adaptability, continuous learning, and communication skills are also valuable traits for mobile app developers to succeed in the fast-paced industry.

Final Thoughts on Best Youtube Channels for Learning Mobile App Development

Youtube has always been a go-to platform for learning mobile app development, even advanced programmers do learn new mobile app technologies and frameworks from Youtube.

These hand-picked YouTube channels offer exceptional resources for learning mobile app development. 

Whether you’re interested in native app development for Android or iOS or prefer cross-platform development, these hand-picked channels cover a wide range of topics and provide valuable insights. 

Embrace the wealth of knowledge available on these channels, hone your skills, and stay updated with the latest mobile app development trends.

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Till we meet again on another article,

Happy Coding!


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