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13 Verified Ways to Provide Value to Your Blog Readers

Providing blog value

An abridged conversation between new bloggers and successful bloggers

New bloggers: How can I grow my blog?

Successful bloggers: By providing value consistently.

New bloggers: How can I make money from blogging?

Successful bloggers: You can only earn when you’ve provided value, see it as the value reward.

Now the real question is..

How then can one provide value with his/her blog?

The answer is simple.

To provide value with your blog, you must produce a high-quality article that is tailored to satisfy the search intent, using unique and relevant information that is engaging, educative and actionable.

I’ll break this down to give you a better understanding of how to provide value with your blog posts.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

1. Understand the Search Intent

This is the most important factor to consider when providing value to your blog readers.

Search intent is a way for you to understand the why’ behind any given search query.

It provides valuable context about the reason (or reasons) someone typed their question into a search engine.

In other words, why did the person make this search? Do they want to learn something? Are they looking to make a purchase? Or, are they looking for directions?

Think of search intent as the driving force behind why people use search engines.

There are four main types of search intent: informational, transactional, navigational, and commercial investigation.

Each category helps you discern the underlying questions behind the keywords a user types into the search bar.

Informational Search Intent: This is the type of search someone does when they want to learn more about a given topic.

When you’re creating content for informational searches, it’s important to think about how you’re going to help the person searching with this query to learn more about their given topic.

Examples of informational search intent include:

  • How to know a tie
  • Debugging Javascript code
  • Blogging best practices

Navigational Search Intent: This is the type of search someone does when they need to get to a specific website.

It’s probably just quicker and easier for them to Google it than to type the entire URL into the address bar as they maybe unsure of the exact URL.

While you won’t necessarily create content targeting this type of search specifically, it’s important to understand how to format individual pages on your site to appeal to this kind of searcher.

Examples of navigational search intent include:

  • Twitter login
  • Website Hurdles blog
  • Shopify

Commercial Search Intent: This is the type of search someone performs when they are thinking about purchasing or a service but yet to make a final decision on which solution is right for them.

They’re still weighing up their options and surfing the internet for comparisons and reviews.

Examples of commercial investigation search intent include:

  • Best laptops for blogging
  • best air fryer for a large family
  • Siteground vs Bluehost
  • Airpod Pro Max review

Transactional Search Intent: The searcher is looking to make a purchase. We call this the buying mode.

Most likely, the search already knows what to buy but looking for a place to buy from.

The content you would create for a transactional search should be laser-focused on the value you can provide to a potential customer.

Examples of transactional search intent include:

  • Grammarly premium subscription
  • Buy iPhone 13 pro max silver color
  • Bluehost coupon

When you have a solid understanding of these four main types of search intent, it’s easier to provide value by creating content that’s targeted to the specific need of the readers.

I once gave a live talk on “search intent” to digital marketers and a lady from the audience asked me: “How can one properly identify search intent without confusing one for the other”.

I broke down my process and I’ll share the same reply with you.

There are 4 ways to properly identify search intent:

1. Check the keyword modifier: Easily identify the search intent by checking for keyword modifiers or phrases that indicate the user’s intention.

See the table below:

Search IntentKeyword Modifiers
InformationalWhat, How, Why, Definition, Explanation, Guide, Tutorial, Tips, Best Practices, Pros and Cons, Examples
NavigationalBrand Name, Website Name, URL
CommercialReview, Comparison, Rating, Test, Analysis, Top, Best, vs
TransactionalBuy, Purchase, Order, Price, Coupon, Discount, Deal, Sale, Shipping, Store Locator

2. Examine the SERP: Review the search engine results page (SERP) for the query to see what type of content is ranking.

From what you see on Google’s 1st page, you can easily tell the search intent.

3. Use keyword research tools: Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to analyze the search query and identify related keywords.

4. Use common sense: Most queries are so straightforward that you can easily make an educated guess about the user’s intent.

A  valueless blog post is when you create a product review-type article (commercial intent) for a search query that’s informational.

2. Write Quality Content

Once you have a good understanding of the search intent, it’s time to focus on creating quality content.

Quality content is informative, well-written, and valuable to your readers. Here are some tips for writing quality content:

  • Research your topic thoroughly before writing.
  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Break up your content with subheadings, bullet points, and numbered lists.
  • Use visuals to supplement your content.
  • Optimize your content for SEO by including relevant keywords and meta descriptions.

3. Use Eye-catching Visuals

Visuals are an important part of blogging. They help break up text and make your content more engaging. Here are some types of visuals you can use to add value to your blog:

  • Images and photos
  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • Charts and graphs

There are many tools available to create eye-catching visuals, such as Canva and Piktochart.

4. Offer Unique and Relevant Information

To stand out in a crowded blogging space, it’s important to offer unique and relevant information to your readers. Here are some tips for providing unique and relevant information:

  • Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and news in your niche.
  • Conduct original research or surveys.
  • Offer a new perspective on a common topic.

5. Offer Freebies

Everyone loves freebies, and offering freebies is a great way to provide value to your readers. You can offer free e-books, templates, or courses that are relevant to your niche.

This will help to establish you as an authority in your niche and build your readers’ trust.

6. Answer Questions and Solve Problems

Your readers come to your blog looking for answers to their questions and solutions to their problems.

By addressing their questions and problems, you can provide value to your readers.

Here are some tips for answering questions and solving problems:

  • Monitor comments and social media for reader questions.
  • Create content that addresses common problems in your niche.
  • Offer step-by-step solutions to reader problems.

7. Provide Value through Personal Experience

Sharing personal experiences is a great way to add value to your blog. By sharing your own experiences and insights, you can help your readers learn and grow. Here are some tips for providing value through personal experience:

  • Be transparent and honest about your experiences.
  • Share your successes and failures.
  • Use personal experience to offer advice and guidance.

8. Use Data and Statistics

Using data and statistics is a great way to add credibility to your content and offer new insights to your readers. Here are some tips for using data and statistics:

  • Use reputable sources for your data.
  • Use charts and graphs to present your data in a visually appealing way.
  • Use data to back up your arguments and opinions.

9. Offer Actionable Tips

Offering actionable tips is a great way to provide value to your readers. By giving them actionable advice, you can help them solve problems and achieve their goals. Here are some tips for offering actionable tips:

  • Use numbered lists or bullet points to make your tips easy to follow.
  • Break down complex tasks into smaller steps.
  • Use real-life examples to illustrate your tips.

10. Use Infographics Where Possible

Infographics are a great way to present complex information in an easy-to-understand format.

Here are 4 design tips to create a unique infographic for your blog:

 Use soothing design elements: Use colors, shapes, and images that align with the theme and create a cohesive design.

 Create custom illustrations: Create custom illustrations and graphics that are unique to your infographic. This can help to differentiate your infographic from others and make it more memorable.

 Use typography effectively: Use typography to emphasize key points and headings. Use a legible font that is easy to read and create contrast between headings and body text.

 Use data and statistics to support your infographic: If it’s numeric/research-type content, then standardize your infographic by adding data and statistics. This will not only increase the value of your content but also increase its shareability.

 Keep it concise: Keep the text and data points concise and to the point. Use bullet points and short sentences to communicate information in a clear and concise manner.

11. Offer Different Content Formats

People consume content in different ways, and you should offer your content in different formats to cater to your readers’ preferences. You can offer your content in the form of blog posts, podcasts or videos.

This will help to reach a wider audience and keep your readers engaged.

12. Engage with Your Readers

Your blog should be interactive, and your readers should be able to engage with you and vice versa.

You can achieve this by asking questions, encouraging comments, and hosting Q&A sessions. This will also help to create a sense of community around your blog.

13. Be Original

You can provide value to your readers by just being original.

Do you know you can provide value to your blog readers by just giving your own unique take on a particular topic?

Don’t try to be someone else or sound like someone else on your blog content.

Always remember that everyone is unique in his own way and that my a natural form of value.

I’ve created a complete guide on starting a blog, you can see it here:
How to Start a Profitable Blog: A Detailed Step-By-Step Guide


– What should I do if I run out of ideas to provide value to my readers?

If you run out of ideas, consider conducting a survey or poll to gather feedback from your readers. You can also explore new topics or angles within your niche.

– How often should I publish new content to keep readers engaged?

The frequency of publishing new content depends on your niche and audience. Some blogs may publish new content daily, while others may only publish weekly or monthly. The key is to be consistent and provide quality content.

– How can I measure the value I am providing to my readers?

You can measure the value you are providing to your readers by monitoring engagement metrics, such as comments, social media shares, and email subscriptions. You can also monitor your website traffic and conversions.


Final Thoughts on Providing Value to Your Blog Readers

Providing value to your blog readers is crucial in building a successful blog. 

Your blog content should be free from fluff and straight to the point.

Always remember to satisfy the search intent and provide quality content with a sprinkle of other key points mentioned in this article.

Till we meet again on another article, have a nice day.


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About Website Hurdles

Well, hey there!

I’m Stanley, founder of Website Hurdles and I curate high-quality guides geared towards making money online, profitable blogging and building passive income.

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